The first shirt dress I made was a retired shirt from my husband's closet. He really liked this shirt, but he just didn't wear it anymore and I thought it would make a fabulous dress for my little Z. I must say I was impressed with my first transformation. It went relatively smoothly, even though I lost the elastic a couple times in the sleeves.
And because I made both sleeves for the dress from one of the man's shirt sleeves, I had an extra sleeve leftover to make a matching headband made from this tutorial. Z isn't exactly into headbands yet (but she really should be since I plan to help her grow out her bangs).
And since the first one was such a positive experience (even after elastic trouble), I hit the thrift store and found this man's dress shirt that was destined to be a little girl's dress.
I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture, but it's two different pinks and purple and a little bit of grey and maybe brown. Seriously, what man bought this shirt for himself to wear? No matter. The world has been set right again.
How sweet is that, eh? Love it. I definitely prefer these sleeves to the elastic ones. Less work, less elastic to lose in the casing. This one had a pocket on it that I had to pick off before I could take it apart. There are some small holes from the stitching where the pocket used to be, but I'm hoping those will close up the first time I wash it. I moved the pocket down, too. I wanted to move it to the right side of the dress, but Z wanted it on the left. Who am I to argue?
I decided to finish it with a cute top-stitching design instead of a straight hem finish, just for something a little special. I matched the detailing on the top of the pocket.
The matching headband is probably a little too wide, but we can fold it over no problem. She's actually wearing it! Right now! As I type this! Yay!